How to Share Jesus


pointPray for an opportunity to share Jesus - Do this every day.

pointLook for the God moment - After praying God will provide the opportunity, watch for it.


Ask the Holy Spirit to help - Before sharing say a silent five second prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to speak.  Then ask that you and the person you are speaking to will hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.


Use a defining moment to relate - As you open the conversation find some common ground to help them relate to you.


Tell them your story - How you found Jesus and ask them if they have a story


Share God’s Story - God has a perfect design for us – we separated from him and live in a broken world – Jesus brings us back to God.


Ask if you can pray for them - Pray for them immediately right on the spot.


If the moment is right - Ask them to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior


Follow up with them - Help them on their spiritual walk. 

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